Daniel Tammett, does he have the answers I am seeking

I watched an interview with Daniel Tammett today on 60 minutes. he is a savant that has a spectrum of autism disorder. He wrote a book that has been said to set the inside knowlege of what is going on inside the brain. He is the first person to extraordinarily communicate his throught process. he has remarkable genius qualities like reciting 1000 numerical values of pie, knowing difficult to learn languages, knowing the day of the calendar regardless of year.
He displays similar behaviors as my daughter such as sticking his fingers in his ears when noise is too intense. Both he and my daughter need to measure an exact amount of breakfast cereal, no more or no less . My daughter has a visual fascination with numbers, but she cannot articulate thoughts and feelings. I am hoping through reading his book, I can gain insight into her mind and possibly learn some tips to help draw her out into this world that demands so much of you.

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