First Use Of Homeopathy For Autism.

There are many books on the market on using homeopathy for Autism. I am still reading them all. I am simulatenously reading all research conducted since 1995 in the area of utilizing homeopathic remedies for autistic children. Here is the thing. Even though there are a few standard remedies, each child's remedy will vary based upon their symptoms, emotions, and behaviors. Some homeopathic remedies work right away, some take up to five weeks to really kick in. With some children they may need to use the same remedy for 2 years or more. Again, every child is different. My daughter said her first word, "hello", when we started homeopathic therapy. We used a clearing combination of metastat, solidago, cilantro and oregano. We had to supplement with 500mg of calcium carbonate to compensate for metals being dislodged from the bone. When you have heavy metal toxicity, which is present in children who have had adverse reactions to vaccinations. Taking homeopathy for detox can literally pull metal and minerals from the bone. Taking calcium carbonate is a preventative measure to help replace any vital metal or mineral loss when doing homeopathic detox. My daughter also went through a curing crisis after starting her homepathic protocol. She became obsessed with turning on and off lights and was very snappy and her moodiness increased. After 3 weeks these symptoms subsided and she started saying her first word," hello" and her second word was " ice -cream".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wanted to congratulate you for your courage in persuing natural solutions for your daughter, and what encouraging results!

The birth of my son also started my quest in natural medicine and I've never looked back.

It started with a difficult birth, a family history of much chronic disease and a very unhappy baby.
He was not diagnosed with anything I would consider dire. He just got every single little thing that adds up to unhappy mother and baby due to lack of sleep mostly, I suspect.

Things like oral and genital thrush, burning and weeping nappy rash, cholic, reflux, colds, flu ... Due to our family history the Dr just looked at me and said that this was just the tip of the iceberg.

In desperation I started looking through the natural health sections of pharmacies (drug stores). I found a baby and infant Homeopathic Kit and thought that I had nothing to lose. So I purchased it. I read and reread that little booklet, gave the remedies that seemed indicated, and what a transformation!!!! It worked so well I decided to study Homeopathy, and I did.

Regarding the vaccination topic It took me awhile to get my head around that one, so he was vaccinated up to about 12 m/o. Not long after that he was hospitalised with meningiccocal septicemea. I had only just started my Hom studies at that time, so I rang up my tutors who gave me remedies I'd sneak to him when the Drs weren't around. Thankfully he recovered beautifully.

Here in N.Z. they have just finished rolling out a very controversial Meningicoccal Vaccine, 3 roll outs in total! And that after an extremely awful ad campaign showing horrific images of limbless children due to the ravages of the disease. They then went into schools and began terrifying the children about what will happen to them if their mummies don't get them vaccinated.
On vaccination day I kept my son home just for good measure.
The next day 3/4 of the school were away sick! Similar occurances of illness were reported right around the country. The government quickly issued a statement saying the events were nothing to do with the vaccine and highly over-reported.

So I wish you well in your effort and hope that it will inspire many to follow in your footsteps. After all nothing is more important than our childrens wellbeing!!